Articles By KaranC



Karan Chopra is an experienced Mariner and a Dual Certificate Holder (Engine and Deck). He has sailed as 2nd Officer for more than seven years on almost all major types of vessels. He staunchly believes in spreading knowledge and therefore loves teaching. In his spare time, he likes writing about his experiences at the sea and connecting with new peopl

Facts About GL’s Zero-emission Container Vessel Powered by Fuel Cell System

Germanischer Lloyd’ s hydrogen powered ship design concept has received great appreciation, thanks to its fuel cell technology. The zero-emission vessel concept as it is famously known is meant for the Northern European container feeder services. So what’s so different about this green ship concept? Let’s find out!

What is a Whaler?

What is a Whaler?

A whaler is a ship that is used mainly for the purpose of catching whales and then processing the required parts into appropriately useful commodities. Whalers have been a part of the shipping industry since Before Christ (B.C.) era.

Factory Ship

What is a Factory Ship?

A factory ship is a type of ship that is used to freeze and process the fishes caught from oceans. The idea of the factory ships originated from the whaler concept of ships. Since the processing and preserving of fishes have to be done in an appropriate time and manner, the factory ships are installed with all the necessary equipments and facilities to aid the process.