
World’s Largest Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Power Plant To Come Up in China

The planned construction of an OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) power plant in the Southern Chinese high seas is set to become the largest power plant in the world. The power plant is intended to be a joint venture between two business giants, US-based engineering corporation Lockheed Martin and Hong Kong-based construction consortium Reignwood.

The Aguçadoura Wave Farm – The World’s First Wave Farm

The Aguçadoura wave farm – the first of its kind- was put into operation in the high seas near the Portuguese city of Porto in the year 2008. The world’s first wave farm was the result of a pioneering effort between Pelamis, the British engineering giant, Enersis, a Portuguese company specialising in alternate energy development and an Australian company Babcock and Brown that provided the required substructure for the WEC.