Are you a maritime professional?

Do you have a flair for writing and sharing your knowledge and experiences ?

If yes, then Marine Insight provides you a platform to reach thousands of maritime professionals by sharing your experiences, photographs and videos.

This is the best way to give something back to your industry and to help your fellow seafarers with important maritime information that matters the most.

What can you share?

Latest news (Got something important that needs immediate broadcasting? Send news in any form (PDFs/Word/Photographs/Videos) and our editors will share them with the world as soon as possible.)

On board experiences ( Tell us about important incidents/accidents that you have faced or seen on board ships. Write us about dangerous times and near-miss incidents which can help other seafarers to avoid such mistakes. Increasing awareness is the best way to reduce the number of accidents on ships. Don’t keep the knowledge to yourself!)

Photographs ( Have photography skills? Send us your ship photographs and we will share them with the maritime fraternity along with your name, rank, and other details that you want. You can also send us photographs of machinery overhauling/maintenance, accidents, shipping operations etc. We will give all the due credits and the rights to those photographs will remain with you only.)

Videos ( Have some interesting videos to share? Send them to us and we will not only share it with the world but will also put it in our YouTube channel so that it stays there for as long as possible.)

Reports/ PDFs/Files/ Diagrams ( Have important reports  or case studies which you think will be useful to seafarers? Send it to us and we will publish along with all the necessary details. – We accept only original reports and files.)

Interesting/Sharable Stuff ( Came across something interesting and important online /offline which you feel will be useful to seafarers? Let us know about it and we will share it giving a special “Thanks” to you.)

Opinions/ Comments (Have your own views on a trending issue or a problem facing the industry? Let us know your thoughts and we will publish it with/without your name.)

At Marine Insight, we believe that sharing knowledge among fellow seafarers is the best way to raise awareness regarding important issues in the industry.

If you are a maritime professional,  we would request you to contribute to the industry by sharing your knowledge with the world.

Note: No matter what type of content you share; we will give you all the credits and publish your full name, rank and any other details you want along with your contribution.

Email us at :


*Please put email subject as “Contribute”.

*Want to be a writer at Marine Insight? Send us a mail at info@marineinsight with email subject “writer”.

Do you have info to share with us ? Suggest a correction