Top 15 Biggest Aircraft Carriers in the World
Aircraft carrier ships are the pride of the defence department of any country. Read along to know about the 15 deadliest and largest aircraft carriers in the world.
Aircraft carrier ships are the pride of the defence department of any country. Read along to know about the 15 deadliest and largest aircraft carriers in the world.
Owned by American movie mogul David Geffen, the Pelorus is a superyacht that overwhelmingly lives up to its christened title. Pelorus is the anglicised version of the Greek Pelorios which refers to immenseness.
Marine Insight brings you the exclusive, never-seen-before photos from inside the superstructure of the world’s largest ship – Maersk Triple-E container ship.
Watch a hyper-lapse tour of the world’s largest ship, Harmony of the Seas at STX Shipyard in France.
Watch this impressive collection of the World’s largest ships in service. Some of these monsters are bigger than most buildings in Manhattan. And some of them really look amazingly weird.
The world’s largest cruise ship – Harmony of the Seas, slid into the waters off western France last week.
Put into operation in 2006, Provalys is one of the largest and most advanced LNG carriers in the world. The LNG ship has a capacity of 154,000 m3 and is propelled by dual fuel engines and electric propulsion.
Unanimously known as the ‘Great Lakes’ Queen’ across the global maritime community, the M/V Paul R. Tregurtha is an unparalleled and peerless bulk carrier vessel and the biggest to sail on North America’s GreatLakes.
Owned and operated by Allseas, a Dutch marine conglomerate engaged in constructional activities, the Solitaire is the world’s largest pipe-laying ship. Solitaire is capable of holding a maximum piping tonnage of 22,000 tons while laying pipes up to a distance of 1,000 kilometres in one year.
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