Savings and Investments For Seafarers : Getting Started With Financial Planning
There’s a difference between savings and investments which seafarers must know. Learn some vital points before doing your financial planning with your hard earned money.
There’s a difference between savings and investments which seafarers must know. Learn some vital points before doing your financial planning with your hard earned money.
Hearing too much about the latest news on Long Term Capital Gain (LTCG) tax? Mariner and Financial expert Rajeeve Kaushik explains what the new law means to us and how to avoid the noise.
Seafarers earn their money through a lot of hard work, courage and grit. Find out how they kill this hard-earned money by investing in inefficient and dubious schemes in spite of consistent savings or investments.
The real magic of savings is that money can grow rapidly. Find out some important yet little known facts on saving money that seafarers should know. Learn the basics of financial planning in this article.
Seafarers often take financial planning for granted which leads to making some common investment and financial mistakes during the course of their career. Learn about ten such common mistakes which seafarers must avoid.
Rajeeve Kaushik, an experienced maritime professional and a self-taught financial planning expert, takes seafarers through the journey of financial planning, providing age specific investment and saving plans along…
Lack of employer’s support in taking care of his future and retirement needs leaves a large gap in seafarer’s requirements despite the handsome salary that he is assumed to earn. This calls for sound financial planning, which is often neglected by seafarers.
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