Why Nautical Mile and Knot Are The Units Used at Sea?
Do you know why the units nautical mile and knots are used for measuring distance and speed at sea? Read this article to find the answer.
Do you know why the units nautical mile and knots are used for measuring distance and speed at sea? Read this article to find the answer.
CONEX containers are one of the most iconic developments in the history of transportation and logistics, as they revolutionized the shipping industry. They gave rise to the industrial intermodal standard containers known today as TEU and FEU.
The ship’s windows are known as portholes, shortened form of the word ‘porthole window.’ Portholes, however, are also not just a part of ships but are found in submarines, airplanes and spacecraft.
Identifying faulty machinery on board ships requires thorough understanding of the systems. As a seafarer, you must be in a position to catch abnormal signs and signals in the engine room. Learn ten ways to figure out problems associated with ship’s machinery systems.
Chain register is usually a blue coloured booklet also referred to as Form 99 on board ships. Do you know about the content of this important record? Read more inside the article.
In continuation to the previous list of logbooks that are required to be maintained legally and legibly onboard, let’s take a look at a few more logs that require the ship officer’s attention.
Maritime frauds can occur anywhere; be it a vessel, a shipping company office or a trading company transporting goods by sea. Learn more about common fraudulent activities that take place in the shipping industry.
Learn what seafarers should know about fuel oil consumption calculation and recordkeeping on board ships. The article explains the procedure for measuring data and calculating annual values, measurement equipment involved, etc.
As a maritime professional, it is important to know if there is HAZMAT cargo on your ship. Learn more about the responsibilities of the shipper, master and ship’s crew for handling HAZMAT cargo.
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