Concept: Cuttlefish Shaped Oceanic Cleaning System
The Cuttlefish shaped oceanic cleaning system is a marine environment protection unit concept which uses ocean power and autonomous satellite units to collect ocean and manmade waste.
The Cuttlefish shaped oceanic cleaning system is a marine environment protection unit concept which uses ocean power and autonomous satellite units to collect ocean and manmade waste.
Pathfinder is a unique submarine that can not only explore the depths of the ocean but also run on the ocean floor just as a land tanker does. This eco-friendly submarine seems to be one of the smartest ocean exploration vessels developed in the recent times.
Green float is a green city concept that would float at the sea and would have all green systems to make it extremely environmental friendly. The beautifully designed floating cities are expected to be completed by 2025.
Hornblower Hybrid is the world’s first hybrid ferry which runs on hydrogen fuel cells. It has power of 1400-horsepower and can carry up to 600 passengers. The ferry also uses low emission diesel engine, solar panels, and wind turbines.
FlexHubDock is a sustainable port concept developed by a team of students of IAAC for the MAA 2010-2011 Emergent Territories/Ecocities Studio. The concept port envisions the city of Barcelona 40 years from now with a revolutionized port area.
Marine Solar Cells is a new technology which would use both solar and wave energy to generate power. This new form of energy generating source, if proved successful, will open new doors in the field of renewable energy development.
Eoseas cruise ship project is a bold joint venture between STX Europe and Stirling Development International (SDI).Once built, the cruise ship is expected to revolutionize the cruise ship industry. Eoseas – the 5 hulled cruise ship concept is unique in every aspect.
BMT Nigel Gee has unveiled its latest design – Project Utopica in partnership with Yacht Island Design.
A new type of unmanned ocean vessels would now run on solar and wind energy using photo-voltaic cells and Solar sails.
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