Envirotech for Shipping Forum will serve ship owners, ship builders, operators, ship management companies, ports, service providers, manufacturers as the central platform for discussions, knowledge and effective networking.
IMO 2020 – fresh overview of the implementation process: The need for stricter regulation, Road to 2030 / 2050
SCRUBBER OPTION: Pros and cons of scrubbers, Latest developments in this segment, Scrubbers from a perspective of a port, Ports that banned scrubbers
FUEL SAVING OPTIONS: Hull optimization, Wind power technologies, Waste heat recovery, Air Lubrication
SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR SHIPS: Environmentally friendly cleaning, Energy saving lighting
FUEL TALK: Good practices using alternative fuels, Possibility of LNG becoming fuel of the future, Growth of the demand of Methanol as marine fuel,
SUSTAINABLE PORTS: Latest innovations for ports, Regulations and bans overview, Future outlook
DESIGNING THE SHIP OF THE FUTURE: Latest trends in ship design, Innovations in hull design,
BWTS – CHALLENGES AHEAD: International BWT requirements, IMO BWM Convention,
Date: 24-25th March 2020
Venue: RotterdamT
IGGS Group
For event updates, please visit –
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