American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Proposes New Rules for Ultra Large Container Ships

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Proposes New Rules for Ultra Large Container Ships

Due to rapid development in the container market and huge competition among the companies, the ship owners are looking for a new breed of container ship having a large capacity of up to 18000 TEU (Twenty Equivalent Unit). The earlier rules and requirements were developed for conatainer ship of 130 to 350 Meters length. But due to rapid expansion of the global container trade, the upper limit of the range of length i.e. 350 meters has already been reached, and thus new rule is required to cover container ship upto 450 meters length.


Maritime Labour Convention 2006: What It Is, What It Does, How It Works

Global support for the International Labour Organization’s Maritime Labour Convention continues to increase, as the date it enters into force approaches. Currently, the ILO has registered ratifications of the Convention by 45 ILO member States responsible for regulating conditions for seafarers on more than 75 per cent of the world’s gross tonnage of ships.